Wednesday, November 04, 2009

Abu Mazen Hearts the Dahlan Task Force for Israel

First, notice that the Dahlan Task Force for Israel refers to all its events as "galas". They think that they are elegant and fancy. There is nothing elegant or fancy about a Dahlan Task Force for Israel. Secondly, a senior PLO source told me that all letters from Abu Mazen to congratulate the Dahlan Task Force are written by...the Dahlan Fask Force folks in Washington, DC, which irritated the last PLO ambassador in DC, `Afif Safieh, who resigned because he could not stand the behavior of the Dahlan Task Force which acts as a Dahlan embassy in Washington, DC. Third, notice that their Host Committee--for the "gala", don't ever forget to refer to the "gala"--includes many rabid Zionists. But then again: the Dahlan Task Force is a Zionist organization which serves as a cheerleader for every Zionist administration that comes to DC. Finally, enjoy the words of Abu Mazen that were sent to the....gala--you guessed it: "Dear Dr. Asali, President of ATFP and honorable Board Members: On the occasion of the Fourth Annual Gala of ATFP, it is my sincere pleasure to congratulate you on the achievements and successes that your organization has made during the short period since its establishment. As an American Palestinian organization that promotes the fundamental values and ideals of the American people, you have been instrumental in advocating the just cause of peace and freedom for your Palestinian brethren."