Saturday, February 28, 2009
Secret Member of the US occupation force?
Hariri Tribunal
No insults?
Intellectual of Foreign occuption
Am I supposed to cry?
In flames
I wish it is true
Embedded Racism
The Middle East Militry Balance
Obama wars
Now we learn
This is Zionism
Another intruder on Middle East studies (no expertise)
My appearance at Oxford
Barring Muslims
Obama rules
Israeli propaganda trickery
Friday, February 27, 2009
Arab Communism: Some causes of Demise
Tomato news
The real Saddam: eager for Zionist approval
Again, Quantum communications
Mr. KLEINMAN. We don't actually have a fixed contract. We don't have an obligation to them. We basically pay based on the show, on a show-by-show, episode-by-episode basis. Any agreement that we had with them and still have with them is cancellable and is not a commitment. Joe Stanton, our CFO, do you want to talk for a minute about the contractual structure?" (thanks David)
Spare me your crocodile tears
Dahlan Foreign Minister finds courage
Something perverse
War by other names
Thuggish dictator
Boycott, NOW
Cedar tribunal
All that you have done, is registered in notebooks
Key difference
A personal and international tragedy
Training of Dahlan gangs
Ethan Bronner on Dahlan Gangs
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Wahhabi Philospher
Zionist-Saudi alliance
Not popular
If she was Muslim, it would be on the front page of NYT
Prince Sultan's Funeral
Michael Totten: the Middle East Expert
PS Dane alerted me to this postscript by Totten: "Post-script: Adventures like this one aren’t exactly part of my job, but I’d rather not get roughed up in Beirut for free. If these dispatches are worth something to you, please consider a contribution and help make independent writing economically viable. And stay tuned for much more from Beirut and Baghdad. You can make a one-time donation through Pay Pal." So he wants to be paid to be roughed up in Arab cities?
Terrorist campus
Hear Ye, Hear Ye, Hear Ye
This is Zionism
When American Liberals embrace Israeli homophobia
A state that will be forgotten in historical terms
Terrorist pasta
How come the religion of the murderer is not mentioned?
Pleasing Israel
Do you need to read further?
Phony Image
Dahlan Media
House of Saud's lifestyle

Listing Angry Arab
Resisting annihilation
Hitchens in Beirut, again
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Chutzpah update
But they like beating demons in the US
Nothing to Hide
Pupppet indignant
Isn't that special?
Brains on the road
Torture exports
Goskel amazed
It would be on front page of NYT if they were Arabs
Kingdom of Horrors has no fitting rooms
Let him die: he is gone. It is over.
Introducing Palestinian women in the Western press
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
The Plot Thickens: Quantum and US money in Lebanon
Glorificaton of bigotry
In the US, it is called terrorist olive oil
Rational capitalism?
Dahlan o Dahlan
War criminals
Zionist racism
Hamid Karzai is nice, no?
Iranian Jews
Canada is no more innocent: was it ever?
Some ethnic cleansing is not that bad for you, according to this columnist
Hitchens on Lebanese women
Zizek on Munich
In contrast to the simplistic opposition of good guys and bad guys, spy thrillers with artistic pretensions display all the "realistic psychological complexity" of the characters from "our" side. Far from signaling a balanced view, however, this "honest" acknowledgment of our own "dark side" stands for its very opposite, for the hidden assertion of our supremacy: we are "psychologically complex," full of doubts, while the opponents are one-dimensional fanatical killing machines. Therein resides the lie of Spielberg's Munich: it wants to be "objective," presenting moral complexity and ambiguity, psychological doubts, the problematic nature of revenge, of the Israeli perspective, but what its "realism" does is redeem the Mossad agents still further: "look, they are not just cold killers, but human beings with their doubts- they have doubts, whereas the Palestinian terrorists..." One cannot but sympathize with the hostility with which the surviving Mossad agents who really carried out the revenge killings reacted to the film ("there were no psychological doubts, we just did what we had to do") for there is much more honesty in their stance. (p11)"
About the Amos Oz post yesterday
At least I will no more read about the genius of Sheikh Mo
Monday, February 23, 2009
The heart of the collapse
Prince Sultan
Waltz with a Potato
Dahlan o Dahlan
For freedoms

"Cultural shock"
PS I received a few emails about it. As I said: I am not downplaying the problem in Egypt, and I have heard from friends of mine who traveled there. But it is important that we don't draw some imaginary lines of liberation of women between East and West. 22% to 35% of women who visit a hospital emergency room in the US do so because of domestic violence. On average, 23 women a week are killed by "intimates" in the US. Of all the women murdered between 1976 and 2005, 42% were killed by an intimate or other family members. 74% of all murders of women from domestic violence occur after the woman has left the relationship, filed for divorce, or sought a restraining order against her "partner." (All data is from Joni Seager, The Penguin Atlas of women in the World, fourth edition).
House of Saud in Space
Embargo: at least
Living and dying in Shatila
Sons of...Zayid
Zionist exploitation of anti-Semitism
Pelted with shoes
Not in the US
Let Amos Oz go to Belgium
The singer Wadad (or Widad)
International Zionism
Was Hitchens attacked in Beirut?
It is called boycott, even if it offends Ms. Borgmann
PS This is really bothering me. The White Man/Woman comes to our lands and thinks that he/she can teach and civilize the population, and tell them how to conduct their affairs and how to manage their foreign policies, even against the enemy that still occupies its lands. Quelle Chutzpah.
US Tanks for Lebanon: but can't be used for defense
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Let them read Herzl and Oz
The new and improved Abu Ghraib
Cognitive dissonance
Don't incite "others"
Did I not tell you?
Myth of the Mossad
Obama (in)Justice
too good to be true in the US
Obama's Guantanamo
"Zghorta is not Zimbabwe"
Obama bombs
Sa`id `Aql: unplugged
No praise for Hampshire College
Lebanese stooges for Zionism
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Hariri in Tyre?
Sally Quinn and women in the Middle East
Hitchens' heroics battles in the streets of Beirut
Jihad Al-Khazin Fled the scene
No way
Obama wars
I told you so, damn it
Dancing terrorists
Very funny indeed
Women in Birkinis
Friday, February 20, 2009
Dance of Death
Press TV
Saudi princes
Take back NYU
Mubarak Republic
The Obama Surge
Obama Bombs
I meant to ask: is Kufiyyah anti-Semitic?
Bribes are crying, worldwide
A terrorist Army
Dahlan o Dahlan
Will not leave
Why the word "terrorism" has no meanting for Zionists
The Islamic Language
Neither Hamas, nor Fatah
Three options
Ari Folman and the Mossad?
Colonial Feminism
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Hitchens and Lee Smith rescuing Lebanese Shi`ites
impersonating me on Israeli sites
Che was a Marxist-Leninist
Sons of...Zayid
To Sixty Hells with Nobel
Hitchens and theocracies
Cry for mini-Hariri