Sunday, July 01, 2007

"With the above examples in mind, readers should take bloggers, especially the self-righteous ones like this Angry Arab Abou Khalil, with a grain of salt." The fellow was puzzled as how Hariri media advisor, Hani Hammud, was able to prevail on March 8th media. Simple. He threatened lawsuits, and his lawyer sent legal notices to all those media to refrain from airing Wakim's statements. This is effective in a country where the (in)justice system is under the control of the Hariri family. But I did not know that the US media is neutral on Arab-Israeli issues until I read this piece. By the way, I am told that the author sometimes writes as an Iraqi, and sometimes writes as a Lebanese, and now he is writing as American. Next week, he will be writing as a Chinese. Stay tuned. (thanks Hassan)