A source on politics, war, the Middle East, Arabic poetry, and art.
Tuesday, May 23, 2006
Hummus, Hummus, Everywhere; and Lebanon is on the Brink. Where have you gone, Hasan Fattah? Will you not report on the unity of the Lebanese people anymore? Will you not regale us with tales of the unity of the Lebanese people? Will you not adhere to your reporting rituals of quoting only the most right-wing Arabs that you can find, your friends really? Will you tell your readers about what happened in Lebanon today? The picture above shows Lebanese speaker of parliament, Nabih Birri, yelling at Hariri deputy, Bahij Tabbarah. Minutes later, two deputies (Lebanese Forces' George `Udwan (a Maronite), and Amal's `Ali Hasan Khalil (a Shi`ite) were separated by police and other members of parliament whey they were about to get into a boxing match. The sectarian undertones of what happened yesterday will only be missed by.... HASSAN FATTAH of the New York Times.