Monday, December 20, 2010

They don't mind foreign occupation but don't you dare ban their alcohol

Some of those protesting--not all of course--are writers who are servants of the occupation and the puppet regime but they can't stand a ban on alcohol.  Of course, I am against a ban on alcohol and am in favor of legalization of drugs--all drugs--and even making some drugs mandatory for puppets of occupation, like Grand (not really) Ayatullah Sistani and Nuri Maliki--among many others.  "Dozens of Iraqi writers and poets took to the streets of Baghdad Friday to protest at the closure of social clubs that serve alcohol in the capital, arguing that it harkened back to Saddam-era repression.  Holding up placards with the phrases "Freedom first" and "Baghdad will not be Kandahar," they staged a demonstration near the Iraqi Writers' Union (IWU) building in al-Wattanabi in the city centre.  "We don't need a Khomeini state or a Taliban state in Iraq," said IWU chief Fadhel Samer, referring to Iranian revolutionary leader Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini and the Afghan Islamist group respectively.  "What is happening to personal freedoms in this country is akin to what happened during the dictatorship. ... It reminds us of the practices of the old regime.""  As Iraqi poet Sa`di Yusuf pointed out, some of those writers did not speak out against the assassination of Iraqi writers and intellectuals and scientists.