Saturday, December 18, 2010

Racism of Hillary Clinton

"Finally, Clinton illustrated how completely the administration has bought into the Israeli discourse. In her eagerness to support an Israel that is both Jewish and democratic, she skated perilously close to racism. She warned that "the long-term population trends that result from the occupation" were endangering the Zionist vision. In other words, that another four million Palestinians might soon demand equal rights in an Israel that has effectively controlled all of mandate Palestine from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea since 1967.  These are murky waters indeed. One cannot imagine a political leader in any real democracy applying the same reasoning to their country. Would U.S. leaders speak of long-term Black, Hispanic, or Muslim population trends that endanger America as a "white and democratic" or as a "Christian" state? In the modern era, democratic states are expected to be constructs in which all citizens are equal under the law, irrespective of race or creed." (thanks Naseer)