Friday, October 16, 2009

Lies of Zionism

When it comes to Israel, the old saying from the Babylonian Talmud applies: The Punishment of the Liar is that he is not believed even when he tells the truth. Look at those lies: "By the Israeli military’s count, 1,166 people were killed in the war: 295 noncombatants, 709 of what it called Hamas terrorist operatives, and 162 men whose affiliations remain undetermined." So according to Israel, there were no civilian killed at all. So all the pictures of civilian dead that we saw were not there. These were nightmares planted in our heads by Palestinian propaganda. Are you aware how lousy Israeli propaganda is? Israeli propaganda is now as sophisticated and as advanced as Ba`thist propaganda. The other day, when Israel released an alleged video of missile transport in South Lebanon, Hizbullah propaganda countered very effectively and discredit Israeli claims. Mark my words: that entity is going down, faster than you think. And when the day comes, I will be singing Mawtini in Haifa and Yaffa--and Daniel Barenboim and his piano won't be invited.