Saturday, October 10, 2009

Greek elections: a combination of Ottoman corruption and Mediterranean resignation, according to NYT

You have to follow the New York Times coverage of Greek election. It was quite embarrassing for them because the socialist victory came only days after a front page article in the New York Times declared the death of European Left (when even the German election showed a vote of 50% for leftists: from social democrats to the far Left in the country). So the paper first said that the Greek Socialists won only because the other side was unpopular. It then said such dumb things: "But for all their enthusiasm, even the party’s supporters question whether the Socialists have what it takes to steer Greece out of trouble." And then my favorite: "He has also vowed to increase meritocracy in a culture of Ottoman-style patronage where party affiliation has often trumped skill in fierce competition for public-sector jobs." Ottoman-style patronage? Was the US also ruled by the Ottoman? We distribute jobs here on merit? The head of FEMA under Bush was appointed for his competence and skills? When Jack Kennedy selected his brother, Robert, to serve as Attorney General, somebody asked Joe Kennedy: how could Robert be Attorney General when he never practiced law? Joe said: Well, he has to start somewhere. Notice that in other countries that the Western reporter does not like, he/she is encourage to engage in cultural-historical generalization to make the story more appealing to readers. And then my favorite: "Offsetting the need for reform is a deep Mediterranean resignation." Mediterranean resignation? What the f is that??? Can you explain that for me, please? Is it in the climate?