Saturday, October 10, 2009

Dabashi on Obama: it is peace on earth, man

So what do we learn from this emotional and effusive article by Dabashi on Obama? We learn that: 1) Obama ended all wars. You see Dabashi is unaware of Obama's wars in Somalia, Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and indirect wars in Yemen and Palestine. 2) that Dabashi really really likes and hearts Obama. 3) that CNN is a great network that is partly Marxist and partly Post-Modernist. 4) That Iran and its weapons are the only obstacle to peace on earth. 5) that Obama will liberate Iran and install the King of Pistachio, Rafsanjani, as King of Iran. 6) that Obama woke up very happy yesterday morning: "President Obama woke up today with the once-in-a-lifetime news..." (thanks Riaz)