It is very clear to me that the Israeli occupation government is behind attempts to ban me for good from social media. In one week, I have received warnings from Google company that I have violated their term for posting on my blog, and also from Facebook that I have violated their policies and that I used "abusive language"--and those of you here know that I never use abusive language. I was banned for 24 hours from Facebook and they would never explain to me my violations. This all happened after I wrote about the Israeli assassination of a Palestinian academic in Malaysia. This assassination was ignored by most Western media, and New York Times yesterday published an Israeli government account where it made the man to be a massager for international communism and Islamic fundamentalism at the same time. They will eventually succeed in banning me from social media: they want to determine the acceptable rhetoric, discourse, and expressions about the Arab-Israeli conflict and we should insist on our own rhetoric, discourse and expressions.