"BAER: There are a lot of cells here in Florida, trust me.
BAER: It doesn't matter. Just -- they reduce it to the West or crusaders in the Middle East. They're killing us. I have an obligation to fight back. And it's here. I'm going to do it. And, you know, going from al Qaeda to the Islamic State and even sometimes the Hezbollah, which is a Shia group, happens all the time, and -- or even in smaller groups we don't even hear about. (thanks Basim)
BAER: It doesn't matter. Just -- they reduce it to the West or crusaders in the Middle East. They're killing us. I have an obligation to fight back. And it's here. I'm going to do it. And, you know, going from al Qaeda to the Islamic State and even sometimes the Hezbollah, which is a Shia group, happens all the time, and -- or even in smaller groups we don't even hear about. (thanks Basim)