"Posters for the final part of the dystopian action franchise in some parts of Israel have been redesigned so as to remove the Oscar-winning actor. Instead, Katniss Everdeen and her bow and arrow have been replaced with a mockingjay in a handful of cities across the country, including Bnei Brak and Jerusalem. “We discovered that public posters with the image of a female are often torn down in Jerusalem, while Bnei Brak does not allow posters with female images,” a representative of the film’s Israeli PR firm said to Ynet.
The city of Bnei Brak’s ruling on images of women is based on a fear that they “might incite the feelings of the city’s residents”, according to the Israeli website Haaretz. A marketing executive for the company hanging the posters in Israel said they have had “endless vandalisation” in the past, so chose not to take the risk." (thanks Richard)