Monday, June 16, 2014

The US and the Sunni-Shi`ite conflict

Yesterday, colleague and poet, Tamimi Al-Barghuti, posted a widely shared comment on Facebook: he said: "If you are one of those addicted to the division of people into Sunnis and Shi`ites, [you should know that] the US arms "Sunnis" in Syria against "Shi`ites" and arms "Shi`ites" in Iraq against "Sunnis".  Draw your lessons, o open-eyed person."

إذا كنتَ من مدمني تقسيم الناس سنة وشيعة، فإن أمريكا تسلح "السنة" في الشام ضد "الشيعة" وتسلح "الشيعة" في العراق ضد "السنة"... فاعتبر يا بصير!