Wednesday, July 25, 2012

The other side of the Free Syrian Army (always mentioned in passing and always justified and watered down)

"Residents said there were clashes not just between the government and the insurgents, but also between rival militias from the countryside fighting for control of individual streets in at least one southern neighborhood. In a central old quarter, one man said a friend had warned him not to visit because young gunmen had established a checkpoint to rob car passengers...Majed Abdel Nour, the spokesman in Aleppo for the Shaam News Network, an activist organization, said 22 people had died in urban fighting. He denied that any real Free Syrian Army units were fighting for control of individual streets or robbing people. “There are individual cases — some people are doing it, but it’s not the F.S.A.,” he said...It is just so hard to figure who is F.S.A. and who is a thug,” said one 25-year-old woman reached via Skype. “In brief, I am just terrified.”"