Syrian "revolutionaries" in Aleppo have posted this message publicly. If this was posted by regime supporters, Western governments and the UN Security Council would have issued warnings and threats. I should copy before they erase it:
"France24، هو في سوريا اليوم 29/072012 لتغطية الأخبار في حلب وإدلب | مهم |. النشطاء والثوار يجب أن نكون حذرين منه للغاية ، ومنعه من التصوير في أماكن الناشطين الحساسة.
صور الحائط
Important | | Shadi Shalala Lebanese media correspondent has the French citizenship , works for Channel France24, a supporter of the Syrian regime arrived in Syria today 29/072012 to cover for the news in Aleppo and Idleb . Activists and revolutionaries have to be very careful and prevent him from filming in FSA and activists' sensitive places .Please spread the word
بواسطة: British Syrians & Friends in Solidarity with the Syrian Revolution". (thanks Amer)
"France24، هو في سوريا اليوم 29/072012 لتغطية الأخبار في حلب وإدلب | مهم |. النشطاء والثوار يجب أن نكون حذرين منه للغاية ، ومنعه من التصوير في أماكن الناشطين الحساسة.
صور الحائط
Important | | Shadi Shalala Lebanese media correspondent has the French citizenship , works for Channel France24, a supporter of the Syrian regime arrived in Syria today 29/072012 to cover for the news in Aleppo and Idleb . Activists and revolutionaries have to be very careful and prevent him from filming in FSA and activists' sensitive places .Please spread the word
بواسطة: British Syrians & Friends in Solidarity with the Syrian Revolution". (thanks Amer)