Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Israel movie in Jordan?

Hana' sent me this:  "Hello Asaad,

This is picture taken at Swefeyyeh (the Hamra version of Amman) this morning. The word is out that a pro-Israeli anti-Palestinian movie is being shot there. Eye witnesses, since it's trending now, narrate Hebrew speaking actors pushing a child in a stroller and heading towards a restaurant, that a Palestinian "terrorist" would blew up later.

Upon letters of protest asking for clarifications on the content of the movie, the Royal Film Commission, long being accused of marketing normalization with US and Israel, replied with this:

"Dear RFC friends,
This is a scene from a Canadian film set in the West Bank, currently shooting in Jordan. the producers are the same Canadian producers who also shot the Oscar winning film "Incendies" in Jordan in 2009. This is a fully funded Canadian film that is working with a few local crew members, and using local facilities.

All the best,
George David
General Manager
The Royal Film Commission- Jordan (RFC)."

Notice that the White Man is in charge of a Jordanian royal commission.