A source on politics, war, the Middle East, Arabic poetry, and art.
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Elton John and gays in the Middle East
AZ sent me this (I cite with his permission): Regarding that Elton John statement about gay women in ME being 'as good as dead'. While There are certain social problems for gay women, I have not heard if a single violent incident against them. In fact, Abu Dhabi TV had a talk show recently discussing women homosexuality (link below) and the guests, who had their faces covered to protect their identity, didn't face any derision or mocking or even criticism from either the crowd or the participants in the discussion. The psychologist in the show, while we may disagree with him vehemently, was categorical in his rejection of any coercive measures to 'correct the deviations' of these women, and he recommended only counseling (something akin to church-based groups recommending therapy to gay kids of religious American parents in the US south)."