Sunday, November 01, 2009

The New York Times and its Sneaky Deception

In the age of the internet, the New York Times now sneakily (without ever alerting its readers) changes headlines and even texts of stories after they appear in the hard copy. So I woke up this morning to read this most unusual headline in the New York Times on p. 9: "Clinton Fails to Win Palestinian Assent to Israeli Plan for Slowing Settlement Building." I was quite astonished because it was clear that the headline could have easily been: Israel refuses to Halt Settlements, or it could have been about the two sides not coming to an agreement. By for the headline as it is, it implies that Israel has made concessions, and the PA (the very collaborationist regimes set up by Israel and US) is being stubborn and uncompromising. So I wanted to link to the headline but noticed when I saw the same item on the internet, that the headline was changed. It was too blatantly propagandistic even for the standards of the New York Times. But if you read the whole piece you realize that the Obama administration is on its way to prepare for re-election, in the same way that Hillary Clinton prepared to run for the Senate in New York: by channeling the views and positions of Meir Kahane.