A source on politics, war, the Middle East, Arabic poetry, and art.
Saturday, October 24, 2009
A bitter, hateful man
"I can never forget how, as Jewish Chaplain at Fairleigh Dickinson University, I watched as a representative of the PLO injected his venomous lies into the minds of University students. That was more than twenty-five years ago." Twenty-five years ago and it is still bothering you. What a bitter, miserable human being you must be. Twenty-five years ago and it is eating you up: only because a Palestinian was more successful than Zionist fanatics in presenting the cause to the students. Twenty-five years of and you are filled with jealousy and hate because you could not compete with his/her account of the conflict. Twenty-five years ago and you roam the streets (just as Hitler roamed the streets of Vienna wondering who is Jewish and who is not) wondering whether the person you see walking is Palestinian or not. Twenty-five years of resentment and jealousy, o hateful man. And then you make up lies that Joseph Massad is tiled to "oil rich Arab countries"? You think that "oil rich Arab countries" would approve of what Joseph writes? But then again: you can't see clearly: you have the twenty-five years of hate and jealousy blinding your very essence. (thanks Yusuf)