A source on politics, war, the Middle East, Arabic poetry, and art.
Saturday, June 02, 2007
It is a conspiracy if there ever was a conspiracy. A new twist can be registered in the propaganda coverage of Al-Arabiya TV. First, the coverage is particularly giddy. There is a festive mood in the air in the way Al-Arabiya TV is covering the Lebanese Army war on the Nahr Al-Barid camp. Secondly, suddenly today, the anchors, the correspondents, AND the guests started referring to Nahr Al-Barid refugee camp as "mu`askar" (military camp or base). This was significant for me because I remember back in the 1970s, the Arabic service of the Israeli radio and the Israeli-run, Phalangist, Voice of Lebanon, would consistently refer to Palestinian refugee camps as "mu`askarat."