A source on politics, war, the Middle East, Arabic poetry, and art.
Sunday, December 03, 2006
LBC-TV's correspondent (the Lebanese Forces' fanatic, Bassam Abu Zayd) entered the church in downtown Beirut hoping to prove (the thesis of LBC-TV and Future-TV) that all the demonstrators in downtown Beirut are Shi`ites (you see, in Lebanese politics, the Shi`ites don't count as Lebanese. On the day of the demonstrations, Al-Jazeera interviewed the editor of the Hariri rag Al-Mustaqbal, George Bkasini, and asked him about the massive crowds. He said: "But they are all Shi`ites"). So Abu Zayd saw a bearded man in the church. He asked him whether he is Muslim or Christian. The man said he was Christian. Abu Zayd asked him to recite a Christian prayer for him. The man was Christian.