A source on politics, war, the Middle East, Arabic poetry, and art.
Wednesday, November 01, 2006
Sen. John Kerry explained his troubles by claiming that he "botched a joke". But why is he joking in the first place? Are there no advisers or family members who could tell him that it was very clear in the last election that he is humorless and very very unfunny? He should not be telling jokes period. But do you notice the demagogic Republicans and Democrats? The Republicans love to have Kerry as an opponent, always. He is so easy to mock and ridicule. I enjoyed mocking and ridiculing people like him in high school. He is somebody who feigns earnestness and fakes sincerity. He is somebody who can't suppress his superciliousness. The Republicans would love to have him run in every election cycle. He is somebody that no masses, anywhere, can identify with. And then you saw the Clintonite Democrats rushing to show "support for the troops". And Kerry supported the war so he is in no position to falsely appear wiser on Iraq. That also applies to Thomas Friedman who enthusiastically supported the war until he realized that it is not "making progress."