A source on politics, war, the Middle East, Arabic poetry, and art.
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
Le Anthony Bourdain in Beirut: Le Lousy Show. I finally was able to show a DVRed "Anthony Bourdain in Beirut" from the Travel Channel. I never heard of this person before, but the program was what I expected: cheesy, corney, silly, shallow, and uncritical of Israel. I at least expected him to say something interesting about food in Beirut; I know something about that. He decided to first sample food in Lebanon at Le Chef. LE CHEF, for potato's sake. Of all the places you can go, he decides to eat at Le Chef. How Le crazy of a choice. At least he went to Barbar, I mean, Le Barbar. His escort Joe, was neutral in the beginning, and reminded Anthony that there are poor people in Lebanon who are invisible, and that there is a split in Lebanon--yes, some Western travelers need to often be reminded of the obvious in foreign lands. But then: when "the Shi`ite" (Le Shi`ites) stormed into the street to cheer the capture of the two Israeli soldiers, Joe was "embarrassed." He did not want the White Man to know that there are Shi`ite rif-rafs in Lebanon. How embarrassing for Joe. Poor Joe, or poor Le Joe. Bourdain talked about the war, or Le war, for an hour, and you could look in vain to find out who was bombing Lebanon. You would not know--the identity of the bombers, or Le bombers, was obscured. In fact, it could have easily been China that was bombing Lebanon. But the last 25 minutes of the show was really a tribute to the US marines and their "sensitivity." How nice. I wonder what people in Iraq would say about that. I finished watching, and realized that I have learned about the preferences of the White Man what I knew not before.