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Monday, January 23, 2006
When Jumblat comes to Washington, DC. Hariri propagandist, Nuhad Al-Mashnuq, revealed it. In his weekly column in As-Safir, Al-Mushnuq inadvertently explained Jumblat's dilemma. Apparently, Jumblat's official visit to Washington, DC was scheduled to take place at a lower level of meetings than desired by him. US embassy in Lebanon explained to Jumblat that his close ties to Hizbullah will not permit him to meet high officials of US government. That was when Jumblat began his salvos at Hizbullah. And Bush's meeting on Thursday with mini-Hariri is quite unprecedented. I mean, mini-Hariri is a member of parliament, in rank, not more. Bush would never meet with members of parliament from any other country. That does not mean that Lebanon is important; on the contrary, it means that Lebanon is being run from Washington, DC.