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Tuesday, October 04, 2005
"They proecreate like mice." Sectarianism in An-Nahar newspaper: I have mentioned before something about the blatant sectarianism of An-Nahar newspaper in Lebanon. During the Hummus Revolution, Jubran Tuwayni referred to Shi`ite masses as "sheep" (his denial did not convince anybody), and his father Ghassan said that Shi`ites are "very voracious". And on June 14th, 1975 An-Nahar newspaper carried a report on the predominantly Shi`ite An-Nab`ah neighborhood in East Beirut, and one subheadline of the article said: "they procreate like mice." In her memoir (p. 36), the writer of that report, Mayy Dahir Ya'qub, maintains that it was (the highly rabidly sectarian) Edmund Sa`b--just see his latest column in An-Nahar)--who wrote that line.