A source on politics, war, the Middle East, Arabic poetry, and art.
Friday, April 15, 2005
Shame on Ramsey Clark. Every time I write something critical of Clark, I receive tens of emails from leftist supporters of his. I know that he has a following. He does not have any following in Angry Arab republic (with a citizenship of one) of course. I always detested his stance toward Iraq, and his praise for "Saddam's leadership" when Saddam was engaged in killing Iraqis (and Saddam never stopped killing Iraqis). And now I was furious to read that Clark is expressing concern over Saddam's status, and that "Saddam Hussein’s human rights are being violated at “every moment”". I personqlly do not care about Saddam's rights, and prefer to worry about the rights of average Iraqis instead. By the way, a new book by Saddam's personal translator (which appeared in Arabic and French) reveals that Saddam liked Clark, and enjoyed his company. It figures.