Monday, February 07, 2005

This is Zionism: ""Perched atop a small hill on the outskirts of Abu Dis, a Palestinian town just east of Jerusalem and south of Maleh Adumim, the 36-room Cliff Hotel was a popular venue for Palestinian parties and weddings because of its big garden and big views. About two years ago, however, the Israeli government resurveyed Jerusalem's municipal boundary and ruled that the hotel was not in the West Bank but inside the city, said Walid Ayyad, a member of the family that built it in 1955. Ayyad said the hotel had always paid property taxes to the West Bank town of Bethlehem, never to Jerusalem. Last April, as Israel was building a concrete wall through Abu Dis as part of a project to separate the West Bank from Israel, the Israeli Border Patrol seized the hotel to use as a security post and barred the family from going there, Ayyad said. Since the Ayyads had West Bank identity cards and were not residents of Jerusalem, they were declared absentee owners of the property, and ownership was transferred to the government, according to Shlomo Lecker, the family's attorney. No compensation was paid to the Ayyads, he said.
Five Border Patrol officers were indicted Sept. 28 for abusing Palestinians inside the hotel. One man was allegedly forced to jump from a second-story window and another man was allegedly burned with cigarettes and made to drink the officers' urine."