A source on politics, war, the Middle East, Arabic poetry, and art.
Sunday, February 15, 2004
Howard Dean has gotten into the annoying habits of listing wars that he had supported to make it very clear that he is not opposed to all wars. In tonight's debate, he did just that. Kucinich, for a change, mentioned--in passing--the Iraqi civilians who are killed by US troops. He has two delegates as of now and he insists on continuing the campaign. What egos men have. I understand that Al Sharpton wants to continue running because he wants to keep the others (and the Democratic Party) on their toes, and to stress certain civil rights issues. But Al looked really confused and ill-prepared in the last debate when he was asked about the Federal Reserve Board and its role. (Why dont they ask George W. that question, or anothe one about "what is the capital of the US"?) It reminded me of a calculus test I took in High School: I was very ill-prepared and had no clue regarding the specific questions, so I wrote some general stuff about why it is important to learn Calculus, and that it is essential for the learning the process. John Kerry reiterated his opposition to same-sex marriage, but he said that he supports the right of gay and lesbian couples to visit one another in the hospital. He said that; and he said it in a tone as if he deserved a medal for mercy and compassion. Mercy and compassion? For those dudes? Or for Bush? Nader, come back and scare everybody off.