A source on politics, war, the Middle East, Arabic poetry, and art.
Sunday, January 04, 2004
I could not believe it. In the Democratic debate in Iowa (which was as interesting as Saddam's dental exam, or as John Kerry reading from children's books to a group of children in Iowa a week ago who looked as entertained as a crowd listening to a public reading from the Phone Book): somebody asked Kucinich whether he as a vegan would be able to take the interests of the meat producers into account. "If you do not believe me, here is the quotation: Given your personal decision not to consume animal products, how can you assure livestock producers you will be an advocate for them as president?" in full. What kind of question is that? I hereby pledge that if I am elected your president, as head of the ticket of the Potato Party, I will carry with me the interests and concerns of chicken McNuggets' farmers (and while I am a vegetarian now, I have consumed enough of them in my previous life). (By the way: I have been embarrassed to ask: Do Chicken McNuggets grow on trees or do they grow on the ground)?